Larita Shotwell
Call of Duty Warzone 2 expanded the weapons meta with the Season 2 update after various adjustments. The popular content creator and player Legends6K showcased a new FSS Hurricane setup that can be used in Activision’s battle royale title. It is a great sub-machine gun (SMG) choice for close-quarter combat.
Warzone 2 offers various choices to the player base when it comes to weapons. The player base tends to utilize the most buffed guns on the battlefield to secure their victory. However, the advanced gunsmith platform can be used to modify existing armaments for different gunfight situations.
Let us take a closer look at Legends6K’s FSS Hurricane setup for Warzone 2.
Legends6K recommends his best FSS Hurricane build for Warzone 2 Season 2 Reloaded
Activision regularly deploys patches to level the playing field for the entire player base. The developers take various metrics like game data, kill-death ratio, and player feedback into account before making changes to any gun.
SMG class weapons are some of the best when it comes to defending corners and participating in close-range skirmishes.
The FSS Hurricane was a competitive choice in the SMG category but was overshadowed by the popularity of the Fennec 45 in Season 1. The Season 2 update nerfed the RPK and Fennec meta, allowing players to explore the evergreen Hurricane.
FSS Hurricane weapon build
The FSS Hurricane hails from the versatile M4 weapons platform and features a different receiver. It boasts a high fire rate of 698 Rounds Per Minute (RPM) and 680 m/s muzzle velocity. The gun has great mobility and can be built to engage in medium-range gunfights as well.
Legends6K suggests that players utilize his FSS Hurricane build to make the most out of it. Here is the complete build with all the pros and cons of the attachments.
Recommended build:
- Muzzle: FTAC Castle Comp
- Laser: FSS OLE-V Laser
- Underbarrel: Agent Grip
- Rear Grip: Xten Grip
- Stock: Demo Quicksilver Stock
Recommended tuning:
- FTAC Castle Comp: -0.34 vertical, +0.16 horizontal
- FSS OLE-V Laser: -0.03 vertical, -8.23 horizontal
- Agent Grip: -0.23 vertical, +0.08 horizontal
- Demo Quicksilver Stock: -2.58 vertical, -0.15 horizontal
The FTAC Castle Comp muzzle increases both vertical and horizontal recoil control while taking a toll on the overall Aim Down Sight (ADS) speed and aiming stability.
The FSS OLE-V laser attachment boosts ADS speed, aiming stability, and sprint-to-fire speed. The laser light is visible when the weapon is used in ADS mode.
The Agent Grip underbarrel increases aiming idle stability and hip fire accuracy but reduces walking speed. The Xten rear grip further increases ADS speed and sprint-to-fire speed while reducing the recoil control.
The Demo Quicksilver Stock increases sprint speed, aim walking speed, crouch movement speed, and ADS speed. However, it takes a toll on the weapon’s aiming stability and recoil control.
Legends6K’s FSS Hurricane build is a great choice for increased ADS speed and mobility. Players can equip this SMG for the most responsive experience in close-range gunfights.
Be sure to follow Sportskeeda for the latest updates and more Warzone 2 weapon build guides.
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