Calgary Herald from Calgary, Alberta, Canada (2024)

THE CALGARY DAILY FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1928 1 If Five- Year Drought Is Broken by Torrential Rains in South Africa NEW EASTER MILLINERY A NEW HOSIERY AND GLOVES To complete the Easter outfit. KAYSER SILK HOSE $4 .95 1 Alarm in Cape Province as Floods Crush Dams and Isolate Towns FEATURING EASTER SPECIALS IN ALL DEPTS. 'm rr AA1- Vs. I Champion' Woman' Billiard Flayer Dies Like a Man OLD ELECTION. SCANDAL GOES lOJpiTEE House Stirred Up by What Happened in Athabasca In 1925 Fight REDUCTION INCOME TAX GETS THROUGH House to Enter on Easter Recess Tonight, Gov't Programme Coming Up By CHARLES BISHOP (Special Dispatch to The Herald) OTTAWA, March 30.

An old election scandal was poked up in the house yesterdav, right at the very start and though it was supposed to take only a short time, it occupied all the afternoon and most of the evening. It had to do with the scandal arisine out of the 1925 election in Webh't You Can Save Money on Your Easter Outfit at Never before have we had a line of hosiery to prove so popular as this one. Full fashioned, silk right to the harrow lisle hem, and 18 shades to choose to 10; per Pir SI. 05 KAYSER SILK GLOVES .50 The new gloves are quite distinctive with frilled and embroidered cuffs, in a host of new shades to match any costume. One price.

$1.50 This department is growing rapidly, the values are so good and our stock fills every requirement. Nothing but the newest shapes shown. Exceptional value ma J. 51 91 11 News of Interest From the MeiVs and Boys' Department (By Canadian Press) CAPE TOWN. South Africa, March 30.

Alarm was felt in Cape province today at steady rainfall assumed torrential proportions, and floods developed, dams burst, railroad lines washed out, and towns Many of the afflicted areas had been stricken for drought for as long a period as five yean. Tho irrigation dam, near Prince Albert, which was built at a cost of 250.000, and was dry for five years, was reported to have been destroyed. The bursting of a dam washed away the railroad over which the Earl of Athlone, the governor-genenl, was traveling, in a special train to the native territories, holding it up near King William's Town. Railway embankments were washed away in other places and towns cut off. SAPULPA, March 30.

Frances Anderson, of Los Angeles, at one time hsralded as the world's champion "woman billiard player," in death disclosed the secret that in reality was a man. Frances Anderson ended "her" life yesterday in a hotel room here by slashing both wrists, throat, head and breast with safety razor blades. Letters, yellowed by age, were found in the full length woman's stockings on the body to indicate death was by suicide. The was declared to have been known for more than 30 years in his profession at a "woman billiardist." Newspaper clippings told of his travels as a billiard player and exhibitions given in many cities. He was about 60 years of age.

NO NEED TO WAIT SUNLIGHT SOAP makes Plenty of Pure Quick Cleansing Suds New Spring Broadcloth Shirts AT $1.98 MISSES' EASTER COATS $-j Q.95 Kasha this season's newest cloth, In the tailored styles, with nnri nlncta SPRING FLOWERS SV50 15 I Vr to fa Made in all the popular plain shades, also new patterns that are right up to the minute. Separate collar and collar attached styles in all sizes. A high grade shirt at a reason- fi "fl QQ able price 4) I iwQ priced. 12 to 19 years, $1 0 95 tf to- $12.95 minister of justice, while fully agreeing that the subject should go to the CAI ttDANOT ASKED committee, ana expressing his view that the election law should be The Easter costume is incomplete without a buttonhole of flowers, and the new ones are so beautiful and arc priced so reasonably. All colors, including the popular violet sprays.

.15 to $2.50 strengthened in any way which would conduce an electoral propriety, contended that it is essentially a TO PARTICIPATE Lord Salisbury Makes matter for parliamentary initiative rather than one to be suggested by AT ONCEl the government. hir Henry Drayton started to wade WOMEN'S EASTER COATS We have nt hesitation in aay-. ing our stock of coats to be the best values in the Customers have told us so. They are of polrct, charmeen and tweed, in tailored, and the more dressy styles. 34 to 43 'i 1 4 95 t0 $25100 into the question and mentioned Mr.

Study Robb. who was rather prom SMART SILK AND WOOL SOCKS AT 73e New array of patterns just in from the best -makers. Sines to 1114. Splendid wearing and real values at, pair THE LATEST IN MEN'S CAPS See Our Special at $1.95 No need to pay any more, as these are the very latest in patterns and materials. Beautiful caps, usually sold at $2.50.

A real Easter value A ,95 at. GIRLS' EASTER HATS to Sm inent in an election in the Peace Statement Regarding Re marks of Premier King River district, and who, after serving a term in penitentiary, was let out. The $5,000 Suntijrht Guarantee means Ah-solute Purity, Kind-ness to your Hands, Longer Life for your sns' Leva Brother limited 7 OKKKO The mention of this name caused (By Canadian Press Cable) the solicitor-general, Mr. Cannon, to LONDON, March 30. Canada was warn bir Henry to go slow and to consult his leader.

15 not invited to participate in the the electorate district of Athabasca, and althoueh little that is new has transpired in the meantime, occasion was taken to repass the whole story. Despite the fact that the government was quite agreeable to the specific proposal yesterday, to refer the question to the privileges and elections committee, the debate went all through the motions and gestures cf a contested proposition. Corruption Shown After the revelation of irregulari-fes in the election in question in H25, Mr. Justice Clark was commissioned to conduct an inquiry, and a great deal of bad stuff was brought out, particularly in regard to connivance and collusion on the part of election officers in irregularities, the i lost conspicuous of which was the padding of voters lists and the stuffing of ballot boxes. The abrupt dissolution in 1926 put the elected member out of the seat he was supposed to have won a few months before, and in the light of what had been disclosed, or for other reasons, he failed to get re-elected.

The report of the judge on the case was sent here and tabled and referred last session to the election committee, but in the graceful indolence which characterized that restful session, the committee was never able to get a quorum, not even when the number comprising it was reduced. Reasons for Fuss In bringing up the matter yesterday Mr. Garland, of Bow River, and those associated with him, were evidently motivated by the purpose of kicking up enough fuss to attract at Impression Drawn The impression which some drew 0 A' 1:.1 fc -v rv "j-; 3 a- 'n tin rim from this was that Mr. Bennett, who Boys' Longs, made for wear and appearance. Beautifully tailored, that ensures perfect fit.

Materials that give the utmost in SNAPPY TIES AT POPULAR PRICES A wonderful array of patterns that will tone up the spring outfit. 59c, 75c, 98c, $1.50 is out of the house for a few days. KASHA DRESSES $0.93 Anglo-Egyptian treaty recently nego- ttated. Lord Salisbury, government leader, stated in the house of lords yesterday, in reply to a question by Lord Parmoor, who called attention to the statement made by Premier Mackenzie King in the Canadian commons Monday night on Canada's attitude in regard to the Chanak Incident in 1922. and the recent Anglo .75 1 SO.95 had something to do with the clemency extended to the gentleman in question.

Later Dr. Manion probed into this aspect of the case and and fiuried back any such insinuation. whereupon the solicitor-general ex Egyptian draft treaty. SPRING CAPS FOR THE BOYS Snappy patterns and popular QCf "I -23, .3 shapes; all unbreakable peaks A Premier King was reported to have New dresses of Kasha, useful for any occasion; with beit and collars and cuffs of suede. Extremely smart.

Sizes 16 to 33- Special plained tnat Be had been quite misunderstood and that he had not sought to reflect in any wav unon the opposition leader, but the latter, stated that the British government! had asked the Dominion government whether Canada wished to participate in the treaty and the government had declined. consulted, would know that it is Our- new hats are much prettier and much cheaper this season faille being the newest in girls' millinery; also fine straws. All shapes and 75 to $2.08 against all parliamentary usuage to discuss clemency cases or to give the reason for the exercise of that prero ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND ASK GREAT BRITAIN TO LEAD IN DISARMAMENT LONDON, March 30. A petition bearing 100,000 signatures and urging that the British government take the initiative for the adoption ot, the same standard of disarmament which was imposed upon Germany by the Versailles treaty, -was presented at No. 10 Downing street Thursday.

The petition, which included many prominent signers, proposed that the Versailles standard be made the basis for international disarmament. Terms Limited The terms which the British government proposed to the Egvptian gative. In the further discussion reference was made to the responsibility of government were expressly limited to the relations between that government and the government jof Great Britain and on the face of it did not include any-of the dominion govern CHILDREN'S SWEATERS Lovely all wool sweaters, with high necks," enabling them to substitute a spring coat; closely knit in rose and champagne with contrasting trimmings. 2 to 6 me government in prosecuting offenders under the Election Act with Order Your SPRING SUIT Now We are Sole Agents for the "ROYAL TAILORS" OF TORONTO Now showing the newest In materials for Suits and Topcoats, made at a PRICE you can pay, In the STYLE you like, from the MATERIAL you desire. Wonderful values at Others at $35.00 and $40.00 particular regard to this case, but the minister of justice maintained ments.

There was never any Question of tention and to cause the committee to do something. The discussion related anew a lot of the specific details of the crooked work, but it went further. The opposition sought to FANCY SCARVES a Dainty georgette and crepe de chine scarves, with hand painted ends and every desired shade, S1.9S- that the federal responsibility had asking the dominions to participate in responsibility tor tho results of the treaty, he said. The dominions were asked to concur in the general yfars place upon the government the responsibility of bringing in such amendments to the election law as would put a stop to the possibility of this kind of work in future. Further policy embodied in the treaty, which ut-tu uwiuargeu in compliance with the act, and the cases were reported to the provincial attorney-general for prosecution.

Sent to Committee Tho final phase of the discussion was in the nature of an experience meeting, several Conservatives. MEMORIAL OBSERVATORY MUKDEN, March 30. The largest astronomical and meteorological observatory in Asia is to be built by Japanese residents of Manchuria as a memorial of the coronation of their emperor next November. The ob was a very ditferent thing from asking them to be parties to the treaty. All the dominions replied and expressed themselves as satisfied with Special Easter Footwear for Men Special Easter Footwear for Women 1 notably Leslie Bell.

Mr. Kocken, more, Mr. Kellner, the victim of the rascality in 1925, but who successfully made the grade a year later, charged that some of the manipulators still had government employment of one kind or another. Statement Denied ueorge eiacn ana Mr. McQuarrie, charging that irregularities had been BOOTS AND OXFORDS MEN'S FINE LEATHER In brown and black leather smart shapes.

Special price the prospect of agreement with the government of Egypt and raised no objection whatever to the terms. Lord Salisbury declared he did not not see that anything was required servatory will cost $750,000, and the site tentatively chosen is the Plateau ot Nanshen, scene of one of the practised. This drew from the prime memorable battles of the siege of riBiiiMer me siaiemem tnat the elec LADIES'. AND GROWING GIRLS' Patent Leather and Tan Leather STRAPS AND TIE SHOES Port Arthur in the Russo-Japanese except the frankest exchange of views between the governments of This statement was denied on the government side. Moreover, the tion machinery the last time was in the hands of the Conservatives.

Mr. King expressed himself as quite in sympathy with any move to tighten tne dominions and the mother coun g.95 MEN'S "STRIDER" BRAND SHOES The most popular priced footwear in try, but if those view were to be frankly exchanged confidence was Medium, low and spike heels, up-to-date styles. Special prices at trie aci ana insure tne proper con duct of elections. The subiect then absolutely essential. "The bonds unltine us are not went to the privileges and election's .95 legal bonds but those of members of the same family," Lord Salisbury committee.

Reduction Pass and assercea. -we oo not claim for a moment that we have anv control Canada. In brown, tan and black calf oxfords and boots; also in black kid boots, cushion soles, made for real comfort. The remainder of the night sitting LADIES' SMART AND UP-TO-DATE FOOTWEAR over the independent action of the was uevoiea ro putting through the bill which confirms the settlement dominions. In patent leather pumps, plain or with buckles; also in Medium or spike heels.

SC. 95 Men'a Oxfords witn certain debenture holders of the old Canadian Northern Railwav and y.9. Men's Boots Sg.95 Men's Boots A A A One of the best values In the city at. also the measure which gives effect to me cnanges proposed in the bud A Special Easter Footwear for Boys and Girls CHILDREN'S NEW SPRING SHOES In black, patent leather straps and ties; FOUNDER CALGARY H. C.

McMullen, Picturesque Figure of Ranges, Passes Away at Coast a Am Icssal leather soles and rubber heels. get relations to the Income Tax Act. The Progressive wing, as a matter of principle, opposed the income tax reduction and called for a division which had to be hustled in order to be under way before the 11 o'clock adjournment rule applied. Conservatives, with the exception of Messrs. Esling and Cowan, voted with the government.

The bill carried by 85 to 21. Parliament is dispersing this evening for the Kaster recess. It is said that in the senate behind closed CHILDREN'S FINE BROWN LEATHER OXFORDS Flexible leather soles and rubber heels. Sizes 5-T'. Sizes 8-104 Sizes 11-2 BOYS' FINE QUALITY Br.OWN AND BLACK LEATHER OXFORDS Goodyear welted soles, rubber heels.

A very smart shape. I-SO Sizes Sizes 11-2 Sizes 6-7V4 Sizes $2,5 'if Jli 1 (Special to The Herald) I Ross Block 'f it 1 VANCOUVER. March 30 H. S7J FVlD OUNCCS McMullen. first general livestock agent of the C.P.R.

in Alberta, later a provincial livestock inspector, and Hiilhurst Ross Block Hiilhurst M9501 it ii aoors some or the upper house took exception to the long adjournaments las calculated to convey the impres-! sion that the senate is not a very vital part in the machinery of gov- ernment, but that it is more or less a rubber stamp for what comes from down below. 1 Big List of Bills AAA i ummi promoter or tne ramous uai-ary otastpeue died March 27 at Victoria, followine a brief illness. 1 M9501 The order paper todav will be plump with government bills, and i Mr. McMullen was a pioneer stockman of the west and his passing removes a picturesque figure of the rangeland. He was widely known and very highly respected "throughout the entire range country of North is understood that by the time of the adjournament this evenine notice indication that the gang of thieves will have been given of ail the measures which are to be the subject of legislation this session.

The lint will BURGLARS MAKE HAUL IN MANITOBA TOWNS VOTES FOR WOMEN America. Born in Toronto in 180, he came west at an early age, rode the ranges of the Western States and went into Alberta In 1903 for the C.P.R. He Is survived by his wife and one daughter, both residing in Victoria. include important amendments to the Customs and Excise Acts designed to restrict the sctivities of rum runners, and smugglers, as are experts and that these tools arc intended for use in some other thw erations. Provincial police are investigating all three robberies.

A'. McGregor entry to the store was gained by smashing in the front door, while the. garage was easily entered through a rear window. No arrests have been made yet by the police. HOUS FAVORED recommended in the reDort of the royal commission.

ExDort ware (Special Dispatch to The Herald) BRANDON, March 30. Burglars made a curious haul at Gladstone, Wednesday night, when tvey entered a store there and took seven wolf pelts. So far as has been learned this was all that was taken from that town. Going to McGregor, they made a bigger job of HOLLINGER DISASTER BROUGHT UP IN HOUSE BY WINNIPEG MEMBER Measure in British Parliament Gets by Second Reading 387-10 the "die-hards." was one of the few speakers against the measure. "It means that women will become the determining factor in politics," he said.

"If either sex is to be supreme at the polls, frankly I want these to be our own." Lady Astor Retorts "The effort to kill this bill is the swan song of the die-hards," retorted Lady Astor, speaking later," and they sing like geese. Suffrage for all women will make Grnt Eritain a better place to live In." There was one stranee feature to the debate. Only two veterans of the militant suffractte t'ays were oresent Mrs. Emmellne Pankhurst. their leader, and Miss Florence Gill.

Both were in the women's gallery-. Premier's Reply Prime Minister Stanley Ttaldwin. replying to the opponents of the biii said: "I used to vote aeainst women's suffrage but the war taught me many things. I learned during that time tha. the young manhood of the it.

A clotrjng store there was (By Canadian Pressi houses which have been used as bases for rum runners will be closed, and the liquor traffic confined to governmental channels. There will be bills, to provide financial assistance by way of loan to certain eastern harbor commissions, some amendments will be made to the Dominion Lands Act in respect to hornesteading in Alberta, while major amendments to the Cannda Grain Act will establish new grades of wheat, oats and barley. Boundaries of Parks The boundaries of the National robbed of about $160 worth of clothing and about five dollars in cash OTTAWA. March 30 The TIol- HORSES FOR SLAUGHTER YAKIMA, March 30. Two bands of wild horses, comprising 1,000 head On a 150-mile trek from Eastern Washington, rested last night in Pleasant Valley SO miiej from Yakima, where they are to be slaughtered.

They are expected to be driven here tonight. llnger mine disaster held the atten hese days the evil Influenza germ is apt to be flying around. Guard against him. Build up your vitality by eating plenty of good nourishing food and MILTON-IZE! Before and after meals, at bed-time, mix a little Mtlton in water. Glean your teeth (natural or false) with it.

Gargle your throat. Miltntt -will rout out and slay the germs in your mouth and throat instantly and at the same time will freshea up your mouth delightfully and make your breath clean and sweet. Indeed, Milton is an antiseptic that by actual test of medical and dental experts will arrest and prevent Vymhaa. And Miltoir, though it kills germs in a twinkling, is bamhss to you quite safe! No one in your home can possibly come to harm from Milton. It won't poison, burn or stain them.

Practically every family in Great Britain knows, uses and swears by Milton. British doctors and dentists prescribe and use it daily. They wouldn't be without Milton and neither will you, once you bring it into your home. Obtainable from ail druggists, 35c, 65c or $1. When you the booklet packed with jour bottle you'll 'now wc speak the truth when we say that Milton is morvtlous.

If your dculcr can't supply you, order dirtct. By CLIFFORD L. DAY (United Press Correspondent) out of the cash register. A garage tion of the house of commons for few minutes last evening. there was also robbed, several wren LONDON.

March 30 A bill to en ches and an electric drill being taken. The authorities think that this an franchise of 21 years of. ge and over, the final passage of which, J. S. Woodsworth, Ijbor member for Winnipeg North Centre, drew the attention of the government to the fact that a jurv had found there guaranteed by tne Government, win given women a of was gross negligence on the part of! Parks will be redefined in the light votes In politics over men, passed ui survpvH man mar Btimma.

second reading in the houe of com mil IKm-lqft ha ln.r el.ri.K A. rr 4 nit 70-nicnr mons. It must pass a third reading and be approved by the house of ine mine managempnt in connection with the disaster which cost 39 lives "Would the minister of justice consider amending the criminal code so as to provide a penalty for this class authorise trade treaties with some of tne smaller countries, notably cov lords before It is enacted into law. Tho vni fin tho hill was to 10 nation was oassin? through the val- or ssKed Mr. Woodsworth.

ered, mese Deing mainly a reciprocate exchange of most "favored n- Rfth Liberals and Labor men sup- 'H' of death that such thinrs as wealth prosperity and worldlv Mr. Speaker intervened to suggest that the minister of justice might re- yirted the measure nnlv a ten tinns treatment. Bri'ish Columbia is to get back it lands in the railwav belt and the Peace River block, but lit is not quite clear whether this will -Cnrtoervs'ives of the government party refused thir aonroval. Georg co*ckrill, one of nuiir nonce ot sum a question. "I don't mind telling the honorable member that his suesresiinn will bt require legislation.

If so a prelim considered, replied Mr. Lanninte. 1 1 Bes rooiraMe pnary to it would be an acreement I with the province as to details of the jairargpment. Arising out of the pensions com-piittee inveslieation will be amendments to the Pensions Act, while, as i result of the inquiry into the immigration system some chanpe will WORLD'S LARGEST SUB LAUNCHED FOR U.S. AT PORTSMOUTH ON MONDAY (THE ORIGINAL) should be put in proper proportions.

I realized then i never before that to build up the broken world, the work must be done by men and women together. "It may well be that bv working together, each doing that for which he or she is best fitted, you mav provide such an environment that each immortal soul borne on this earth may have a fairer chance, a fairer hope than ever has been vou.h-!"af?d to the generation of the past." HON. R. B. BENNETT IS BETTER FOLLOWING ILLNESS FROM COLD I the rmilDiinn, inuoupss be made lder the Immigration Art.

if not in March SO The act itself. Then, of course, there v- the larsest in th. Pure Scdlch Whisky TTTT WOi be supplementary estimates unrf orln- Pe commissioned at A -lit i few small amending acts It Is -New Hampshire, navy. -romised that the complete sessional AprtL 2" first nrogramme will be known by tonieht ,0 for the RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT jr, tw. c-iai-s navy.

iKE MAKVEOUS" MOUTH VMH. jects of which notice is being given -r-tr jr. BW.0i.w OrnUmm. Hit- Mn'aciarcel by rnorWETARY LTD.U5B4 W.UeiEbt. MILTON' SALES 10-15 McOu! Street, Toronto, Oct.

SrHirj AgeBtsrHaroJJ F. Ritchie Cbaspany, LimitcJ WOMAN SHOOTS HERSCLF PRINCE ALBERT. March. 30 Despondency caused by grief over the death of her snn a year ao is believed to have led s. Aies Praharenke.

of Paddock wor4. to commit micide. Wednesday. shot herself in the abdomen and died shortly afterwards. FALLS TO DEATH ST.

CATHERINES. March 30. Joe Manittoe, an Italian of Merrifon, rs Instantly killed at Lock No. of the Welland Ship Canal yesterday, when be from a rlaiform at the trp cf the Wk lo the concrete bottom. S2 leet below.

OTTAWA. March 30 The condition of Tt Yl. Bennttt. lead, is satisfactory ms morning. Mr.

Bennett ho has oen jcon'ired to his hotI suffering Im --i, wii! likely- return to hie office the ntii few cays. tTTTTniir r7 whtm bt rvr ntsrur tiar- rov-cs S0AJU9. Ci SI THE OF IHt PISTiKCt Cf AiSIII.

Calgary Herald from Calgary, Alberta, Canada (2024)


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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.