Latrobe Bulletin from Latrobe, Pennsylvania (2024)

SATURDAY, APRIL 25, VZS, TI1L LATKODE DULLDTI1J PAGE SEVEN Sunday school. Th publlo la cordially DE BTSICE'-WEWS; Msthedlst tsrseepal jhwrsfc fttv. r. Seltter. pastdt.

At preacklag. Subject: The Spiritual Ma." Suaday school at Prof. P. K. arret sapt.

Twentieth Ceatary fttbl CUs. Rsv, Wlscmsa. teacher, exteade a cordial welcome to Ue ma et ear commas Ity. To Observe Forest Week BBBBBeBBBBBBB Together with obeervaace of Amrtca Forest Week, proclaimed by Preside! CooUdg for April 27 to Msy 3, th national committee of clti-sena, with headquarters ta Washington, appointed to promote this move- kept th Faith: aeaeewena ttora I told ap for me a erowa of righteous-Bess, which the th righteous Judge, shall give ate at thai day." peal's assurance was th reasonable reealt of a coastaat victorious life la Christ Thl to, however, ao mere thaa may be expected by every loyal, alacere Christian. Whether eircamstaao master asC or whether they rr as Is a question ths Bssry Rtlfrcti fi4 Iiuulitor'Toira, Invited.

The hour tor the service 1 see The District la plaaalai tor a special Yeast People Ratty la May, thl being the major activity dsir4 by th Westmoreland County Sunday School Aseoclatloa. rv The Toang Peoples Council Is arranging tor th affair, aad dH aasouBoemeat wUl be made of th time, plao aad character of th Ratty, which will be for all youag people of all denominations. Trinity Luthersa Sundsy school of Derry, gave about 1100 Ue Unus aeU4enlal offering. Tomorrow the Temperance committee of the Derry Presbyterian school promises Its monthly flve-mlaute offering, at the opening exercises la the church auditorium. The orchestra, aader the dlrectioa of Mrs.

Little, wUl also play, as asuaL Plana for expressions! activities at a Youag Peoples Rally to be held next month la th District were discussed Thursday vnlag st meeting of th offletr of th District Youag Peoples CouacU. The county has asked that each District hold a Yoaag Peoples conference, sad th tentative plaa catt tor th 'various schools of this District to each offer som part of th program. Th d-talis will be announced Uter. Todsy th members of the Evsr Ready Class of' the Derry Methodist school, hiked to the Fir Tower, aear Hillside. Mlae-Dorothy Ua chaparoa-ed the crowd.

The Latrobe District will hold Its convention la Christ Reformed church oa Friday. May 1. Dr. voa Tobel will give the priactpal address. The La trobe District exteads a cordial lavt-tetloa to Derry District to attend th teas lona.

There will be sectional conferences end good music The cosves-tioa theme will "Better Teach-lng." The airplane race ia the Derry Baptiat Sunday school to taking oa (test interest. The "pUnee" are aader' the management of competent pilots aad expert drivers, sad while two of the plsae ere ta seed of bet ter "mechsnicsl engineers," yet they ar following th leaders very close ly. Som of th planes are pretty' well loaded but room caa be mad for a few mere passenger on most of the Diane. It roe are "Detroit" at 1:43 aharp tomorrow morning, yoa may be able to get the leading plane. Anyway, yoa are invited to come -to Sunday school Is ihls church aad makd sxraagtmeats for A paassf oa oae of these strong aad well manaed filers.

Th pastor of the thureh or superintendeat of th Suaday school, win become responsible for your "fare." The detailed program of the School of Missions, held by the District aader the direction Miss Frances Kistler, Missionary superintendent will be given next week. The pro gram was Quite interesting la every way and showed the sdvssoe being made la Mission work ia the District Last evening the 1 Will' Class of the First Baptist Sunday school of Derry. entertained st a measuring social at the Never Idle Pavilion. About 100 guesta attended. The program as published was car ried out the various numbers having been well received.

Refreshments were served sad the cisss will resllxe alee sum tram the affair. DERBY CnURCH NOTES e) EDITORIAL Maator or Mastered? Success li not attained because of circ*mstances, but la spite of clr-cumataaces. la the greet problems of Life the most Important before the individual Is whether he will be success or a failure. There to bo doubt that every person to desirous of suc cess. But 1 that rufflcleat? It has beea said "that we may have any thing we wish within reason, if-we are, williag to pay the price." "Pay-lag the price" may be defined aa the siring up of certain thisgs la order to gala desired results elong other lines.

The whole problem resolves Itself Into the coaclasiOB that to be successful 'we must be masters masters of ourselves sad masters of circ*mstances. Id the business world of the man wno is accounted a success, mast be bigger thai his business, with. It accompanying problems. Ia other words, he to not recognised as a success aaless he is master of "his work. How often when we hear the expressioa: to' a toaster work maa," we thlak of oae who- Is thor oughly trained aad ready to meet say ebetacle which may arise la the coarse of kls duties.

This should be oar. aim-. v-: The Apostle Paul was master of himself, Aad because of this, he ws able to ssy sa the tlja drew aear for him to luffer' martyrdom am IBMr na4y to be offered, the time of Mr. sal Mrs. B.

OUsey pst day la Ptutbarga, Mrs. Clair Ollgher aad dsoyhUra ta lAtrob yesterday after Mrs. Bair E. fonba i syeat th day with her dsaghton Mrs. Gilbert WadiwAfta.

of Johastowa. fted BU sad Aadrww Drlpp ar spcadtag a few days tishlsg Bear Stat Let Blmoali ear. It -srt- serre th plnt. Motor Serrics Co, Adv Mr. sad Mrs.

Russell Betts sad chlMrea wer la PRutmrgh for th day. Mr. aad Mrs. flsTlaao Saatino wr shopplas today la Johastowa. Mrs.

a B. Mills is spsadiag th weex-ead st-th horn of her perenu fa Vaioatowa. Mrs. Israel forth wa shopping today la Johastowa. Mia Jmla Phaffer is pending" th week-end with frieads is Irwin.

This aftemooa Mis 'Shaffer attended a bridge-lunch eoa at th Peaa Albert HoUL' Mrs. -8, r. 8chwrdt was la Greens- borg this aftoraoos. UEBPY SOCIAL NEWS Th pabllo Is inrited to attend th annual Freemen meeting of the Wo man's Horn aad Poreiga Misstcnary Society of the PresbyUrlaa church, to held la th chorea tomorrow renlng, at 7: SO. Th rrdmea TJalt.

of which Mrs. J. Kistler is chair. man, will la charge, of the pro- gram. Enrelopes has- been giren to all members sad honorary of th Society.

Others may make their offering oa th collection plate. Th program will feature th work among th neglected people of th. homeland. aad will follow this order; Organ Voluntary Derotloaal la charga of Dr. Tobel DemoBstratloa Belated Scholarship." Participant: Mrs.

Joseph W. Allison. Mrs. George H. McWberter, Mlse Praacea Kistler.

Dorothy Duncan, Alio Jones, Eleanor McWberter, John Humphrey, Stewart Myers, Boyd vBaughmaa sad -Jimmy -Humph-'reyt Off erjag-. With 'Offertory Contralto sohMrs. A. T. Ton Tobel 4.

Musical wadiag The Story of Jos." Partlcipaats: Miss Eleaaor Mowry, reader; Mrs. Herman Frisk. jHanUt; Mrs. A. P.roa TobeL soloist This win lUuitrated by numer oua teroptlooa slides, showing th work among th freedmea.

BreVy member of Derry High School Al.nmal 1 nrged to be at th high school next Monday ranin-. at 7:10 for th called meeting. Th time has come for making arrangements for the annual outing of th Alumni, election of officer, payment of annual due aad other aeded business. Due should be paid promptly to either Ml Mary Gray, secretary, or Miss Marguerite E. Werner, treas urer.

The need of the Baptist Orphan age of Pittsburgh win be presented by W. M. Davis of Irwin, In th local Baptiat church at 7:30 tomor row erening. Th public Is inrited. jsxt TuMy erening a euchre aad "BOO- party will -be held la St Joseph' Hall by th Youas; Ladles Sodality.

Admission is. SO cents and refreshmeata will be sorred without additional chart. Handsome prise hare been prorlded, sad all who at tend of a good time Mrs. Georg M. Barrow has issued tavltstloas for a bridge-luncheon at th Latrobe Country Club next Thurs day afternoon.

Luncheon win be serr ed at 1:10 sad bridge will follow. NtW SCHEDULE TOMORROW Outsid of moving Deny Express up. sa hoar earlier, there ar only sllgnt change affecting- Derry, oa th 8priag fcheduie of th Pennsyl vania Railroad effective at 12:01 as. la th morning Johastowa Accom- BMdstSoa to later, oa account of Day light Saving, sad wffl leave her at 7:47 a. ta.

That Is th only change oa west-bonad trains except Derrr Express, which leaves ha the mora- iaf aa hour earner, at 5:42. East-beuad, train 22 leaves Pitts burgh later, and Is also, later here. being dus 2(17 a. as, oa the aew ehedale. which is 17 aalautes Uter UUa at present Derry Express comes ta li mlantes earlier, being due' at p.

si oa the new scaedal. Thest sr afl th changes effecting trains atoppiag at Derry. "Ittas of DEBBY LOCALS I First 1 A T. Co, pars 4. Adv Mr.

Archie Mom wss sbepptag la 'Johastowa yesterday. Mr. Oraff of BUlrtTtll. sprat yesterday wit friend tnrtowa Vames Lraed a business caUer reiterdsy Is Lstrob. T.

Loo Werner spent yesterday Greeasburgf Mr. F. 0. Raadmaa tad son. Jack, left yetrday for vlalt with rela-tire la Cut Liverpool O.

Larry Cunningham of WUkmsburg. was a husinese visitor la Derry ye-terday. 'Mrs. Cost Dsadoy wa ahopplns la La trob yesterday afteraooa. Brt Lewi of Hillside, wss la towa yesterday oa bullae.

Mr. Ambrose Attisoa and daugb-tf r.N Lorraine, vert la Ue County BUI yesterday afternoon. Mr. Margaret Crisalager of Young-ood. has concluded a visit with Mr.

isd Mr. F. Werner aad family. 34rs L. 8chrott aad.

daughter. Ate, of Swissvale. were visitors ta Derry yeterdy. A. 8.

Albert of Johnstown, was traassctlag, baslaea la Derry yesterday afternoon. IMra. George W. Buady'bas beea visiting with ber coasts, hss beea seriously 111 "at ber bom In New Alexandria. TOH SALE Dort roadster, la good condition, with good tires, shock absorber and other extras.

No reasonable offer re fused. O. M. Sixth Derry. Mia Heles Bryson Is home from Stale Collet for a few days' vaca- 1 tkn with Professor and Mrs.

J. O. Bryson. of th Third Ward. jFloyd Elaemaa of Latrobe, translated bnslsess here yesterday.

Harrold Oongaware was shopping la Pittsburgh yesterday. a a. a 1 in. josasoonng ana aaugnier 01 Bolivar, bsr concluded a visit with Mrs.

Paul Black, of th Third Ward. Mrs. M. T. Mowry wa a Johnstown shopper yesterday afternoon.

Mrs. Walter IL Plummer spent Friday with relativea In Portage. Mr. and Mrs. M.

Shearer aad daughter, Lola Jean, were la th Flood City Mrs. W. 0. Gipsoa sad Mrs. Henry Luttaer" sad the totter from i Lai robe, were shoppfng is Johnstown ob Friday.

Homer G. Smith wss shop- ping la Pittsburgh yesterday. I Miss Margaret Zletler Is horns 1 from Setoa Hill College for a few days TscatioB at her horn on first 1 arena. I Mrs. 'Jobs L.

Singer of Greensburg, I spent yesterday with locaL relatives. A. J. Kllngensralth of Mitt- wood, was shopping la town this 1 mora lag. THEATRE Derry 8 TONIGHT ONLY I Barbara La Marr and Bert Lytellin 1 "SANDRA" Spectacular, entiirallinjr in its splendor.

Also comedy I "Stupid But Brave" Monday and Tuesday The most enthralling storv of the pioneer West since "The Covered Wafjon," is "North of 36," with Jack Holt, Ernest Torrence, Lois Wilson and Noah Beery. The spirt of Amenca rides through it. Also comedy, "The Biz Idea." Next Wednesday "Yes terdays Wile." ICfl ID il71i7V aajsaA TONIGHT ONLY Your last chance to see the most marvelous motion picture ever made THE HUNCn BACK OP 1 NOTRE DAME" With Lon Chaney and distin-ciiished cast of 3,000 professional players. A- mapiiTicent and vividly brilliant romance and thrill-producer. Also good comedy.

Admission 25e and 50e onlv- MondayRanger Bill Millet in West or tne Alamo," a picture full of action, thrills and adventure. Also episode 12 of "The Davs of 49. Tuesday A big outdoora picture, Two Fisted Justice," Next Friday and Saturday Ton Mix in "Trouble Shoot- At 0:45. Epworth League. Dorothy Love, leader.

To pie: "Why Ue InaUtuur Jutior League at RoU Wilt upertnteadtat Revival service st 7:20. Orcses-tra at both ervlce. Choir ta th Bteralag. Th Berg Slstere win stag ia Ue moraiag likewise, sad will have complete chart a of Ue mast st aigtt These elsgtag vaagilsts are delighting Ue people with Uetr Gopl oats sad msssagea. The coa-gregatloasl singing, with ehorus, is a very enjoyable feature of Ue services.

Th meetings will osatlaae through the week, eack evening at 7:10. Oa Tuesday sad Friday, aa affort will be made to have a cottage prayer meeting ta each salt which would mesa It each day. Friday will be sst aside for Young People. The pubtle to larttsd to hear Oospel ta its simplicity aad purity. first Prseeytsrle tharah-.

Albert F. voa TeboL a pastor. The Suaday school will meet at 1:41. Grades sad elasiea for an. At 11 o'clock.

Dr. von Tebel will peak oa The Urgeacy of Ue Goa. The Sealor. Inters edlat aad Jaa- lor Socieliee of Ue Christies Endea vor will meet at 1:10. At 7:10.

usual Freedmea Beard meeting wttl be held. A most Intereetlag program has bees prepar ed. The public to cordially tavtted to atteid. rtrat tetlt ChurH-Rev. Barrett pastor.

Suadsy school st, 1:48 a- sa. A. H. Prsvel, supertstesdeBt Lesson subject: "Stephea the First Martyr." Acid sad B. T.

P. U. at 1:41. W. M.

Davis, of Inria, will pre seat th seeds aad work of the, Baptiat Orphanage, of Pittsburgh, at 7 p. m. Come aad hear about Ue orphaned boys sad gins. Mid-week service oa Wedasidsy evening. All welcome, Meunt Ollv Sesend Baptiat Church Rev.

Henry Brsntey, assisting psitor. Sunday school at 10:30 a. m. Preaching at 11:30 a. 7:30 p.

at Yea are lavttsd. Com aad brlaf gome oa wiU yoa4 Sabbath school irlll be held ta Ue U. B. church oa Suaday moraiag at 1:30, aad preaching services Sunday morning at 10:31 bp Rev. Wllsoo.

Sabbath school will be held la Ue M. B. charch oa Suaday afternoon at, 1:41 aad preaching service at 2:45 by Rev. A. J.

Strsadett. SsbbsU school win be held la Ue Pentecostal Mlssloa, above Amxt Watklna' fas statlea, Suaday after noon at 3:30, sad preachlag servioe Sunday evening at 7:30, by Rev. J. E. Kaapp.

Mia Alleea Deaa ia spending Ue week-ead with rela tires la Oreens-burg. Mrs. Harry Stouffer was a Latrobe visitor yesterday afternoon. L. A.

GUiardl of Latrobe, wa a Bradenvllle business caller Friday. Mia Mary H1U was a Latrobe visitor yesterday. Mrs. Payne was Derry visitor yesterday. Mr.

aad Mr. Jacob List war La trobe visitors Friday. Mrs. Loigi Pal umbo wee a visitor yeeterday forenoon la Latrobe. Peg Klatg wss a Latrobe caller yesterday.

Lelsad Deaa was Latrobe caller yesterday. Mrs. Edward Blair sad Mrs. Thomas Calvin of Derry. were Latrobe visi tors yesterday afteraooa.

Samuel Moore wss a Latrobe call er yesterday. Mrs. Joha Gray of Derry. visited yesterday at Ue home of Dr. aad Mrs.

J. W. sniamsa. kiss JfU Beck wss a Latrobe visi tor last evealng. Mrs.

8. W. Howsare was a visitor yesterday la Latrobe. Miss Mary Ktoer was visitor yesterday la Latrobe. Mrs.

Joha Kabtatak wss a Latrobe visitor last evening. Jesse Gar butt was a Derry caller last evening. Mls Lacy Pelumbo wss a visitor yesterday ta Latrobe. Mrs. Kttl Poormaa waa a La trobe, visitor Friday, i Mrs.

H. K. Ramsey' was a visitor tost evealng la Latrobe. Mrs. J.

11 Bush of near OakviUe. was a Derry visitor yesterday. Mr. sad Joha Kuebta sad children of Peanut, relatives ia town isi evening. 8 BBaaaafaaar meat calls attention to Ue tact Ust tnree of Ue outstanding essential i for prodaciag aad maintaining aa ado-uat tlmbe)r supply tor America, comprise forest fire prevention, equitable methods of taxing forest pro party and extensioa of pubUe forests Examtaatloa of Ue records oa file with Ue United Bute Forest Ser.

vice, respecting Ue situation ta the various states, shows ths at least a beginning has beea aasde la a oon- sidersbW aanber of the states toward carrying oat all three of Ue Import taut essentials, but la sons has the fatt desired accomptisamoat beeaat- talaed. At present thirty-three state have forestry departmeaU aad twaty-alBo sUte have etabtahed fire prereatloa systems which permit Uem to parti-, etpat ta Ue federal oa-operattv faad. However, bo ataU has proTlJ-ed full tire pretectlea aad some of Ue states have aoaa whatever ex-' ceptlag that provided by private land wears ICighteea- etatea have s4cted le-gUlatioa modifying to. soma form Ue general property tax oa foreet-bear. tag toads wiU Ua Idea of acoursg-tog private reforeetaUoa.

Thse modincatloaa uk Ue varyins; forms of exemptiosa, rebates, tax aad deterred yield tax. bat Ura is a BOtaM lack of uniformity la Us taxsUoB meUoda Twesty-twe sutes have sstsjbllshed ptat forest reeerve. w4U a total area of abevt MSO.OOO seres, and f.t teea states have forest, ssxrseries which grew smatt treea for dlstribu-tloa to tana aad eUr foreet ewa. la addltoB Ua Utrty Urea that have forestry deprtmaU seTsral of Ua state, without welting toj Uetr legislatures to eetaJbllaa a peo-tal departmrat bar taaagarated forestry work aad have appointed extensioa spedallsta ta forestry Most of the stata foretry departments offer assistaacw to farmers asd other pri vate owner la ct Uelr forest toads. AppropriatioBS made by atates for forestry la 1924! sboct 300,000 divided betweea forest prcleo lion, purchase sod main traces ct state forests, nurseries and refoes.

Utloa work. Approximately the sar sggregate approprlaUont have beta provided for various slates tor tor-estry work la 111. Some Idea of Ue work don snl prcgros msd ta forestry ta the State of PeBBsytvania caa be gained from th following figures aad tafor matloB coo piled by Ue U. B. Forest Berries, and, by Inference, aa Idea also, may be obtained as to what aesds to be doae to arias Ua stata'd foreetry development ap.

to aa ade iate stsadsrd. la Ue Bute of Pcaasylvaala tdrdj wss 'expended by state, private and; federal sgeneie durut'ltSI'Ue san)! of $112,003 for fir protect ion oa 13' 000,000 -acres ef state aad prlvatd timber toad or st Ue rate of 1.1 cents per acre. The State appropria tioa for Ue forestry department all Its activities la Pennsylvania for 1023 waa with practically th asm amount la ltil. Of the total appropriation, 373,700 was aef aside for fire protection, exoluslva of cooperative fund allotted by thd federal government. It ha beea estimated that 13,000 040 acre of atat and private toad la Uls SUte require proteetlosJ against fire, which, to be adequately given, would involve an expenditure of 3 cents per acre, or a total of, $390,000 yearly.

The Pennsylvania legislature Is 1923 allowed the sum of for th purchase and maintenance of state forests. The area of 8tei tor' ssts In Pennsylvania comprises 1 124,237 sere. Ther are also 1,41 acre of Stars, Paris, as well as sjl further 40,734 scree of forest lands connected with State institutions of i mssaged by the State, including fed-, oral grant lands of various sorts. 'To encourage timber growing, owa ers of private lend ta Pennsylvania" may have tracts classified as 'aaxfl tary tst forests" which ssseesed ae aually on a $1 per acre. In addition to each annual tax paid by Ue property owner, Ue stat its-self pay to several school and road districts wiUla which Uls claasU fled property le located, amounts equivalent to 2 cents an- acre oa ao' count of the road.

When the timber is cut st maturity. It bears a tea per cent yield tax based on the appraised etumpsge value st Ue time of emV Ung. The first sWptag 'car, built la 1 359, waa recently used ia a moving picture. America's contribution to the af ty of navigation covers 35,100 mileg of coast 11a. Th postmasters of Ue Ckited State draw la wages la 1123, 144s.

331.3S0.73' i "thubarb exceptional tendsraeis ea be grows from roots that are lowed to frMie, Oae of the beet Rallies vr held by th District Oospel Team wa that at co*kertlle, Tuesdsy evealng. Tkj Methodist charch ther was filled The spirituality of thu -aeetlng was marked. This program was carried ut: Opening selections Derry Presbyterian orchestra Opening sous "If Tour Heart Keeps Right" congregation Prayer District president Song "I Lot to TU th congregation Reading "The Song cl the Market Place," Dorothy Bruce Piano nolo, "Old Black Joe. with variations." Mary Martha Dieal Temperance address Prof. Oscar Beers, District Temperance Supt Saxaphoa solo Bennett Uttl Address J.

Claud Myers, Young People 8upt Vocal solo -Wst of th Great Dtvlda," Grace Starry Address Mae Belts, Home Department 6upt Vocal solo "My Richard Bailey, of Latrobe Address "Training for ecrvlce." Rev. W. H. Cogley Vocal soto "God's Love Is Above the Night." Mrs T. P.

Drlpps Address on Missions Miss Ltla Cobe Special Missionary Demonstration -Dorothy Duncan aad Alice Jon Instrumental duet cornet and violin Lemoyne aad Lawrepc Zimmerman Song by congregation "Wonderful" Word of Life" Addrs Th Great Divide My Task," Rev. F. voa Tobel, D. Prayer. Dor othy Bruce Closing song Softly and Tenderly," congregation Benediction Revf Rlngler Oa Tuesday evening In the Pres byterian church, the Friendly Class held aa enjoyable meeting.

The class was only organised a few weeks ago, and with Mrs. A. P. voa Tobel 'a teacher, la growing rapidly. A piano duet by Mrs.

P. M. Hnmtr aad Mrs. R. M.

Meyer was a musical featur. Other entertainment wss carried out ant dainty refreshments were served. Bigotry is on of the most deceiv ing creatures of the heart sad mind that nourishes oa the earth. It warps the soul's growth, perverts th reasonsbleaess of bis rnlad, sad makes bitter the heart effect not only th on in whom it exists but poisons th lives of many with whom It eome la contact Th bigot Is on who has become so obsessed with his own ideas and views that be ha deceived him self Into believing that he has all the truth, nothing but th truth, and ia not willing to grant say intelligence to the other fellow, nor even keep aa opea mind to any further revelation. This is The Bigot's Believe as I believe, no more, no That I am right, and no one else, confess; Peel aa I feel, think aa I think.

Look as look, do always aa I do: And only then I'll fellowship with you. That I am right, aad always right I know, Because my own convictions tell sa And to be right is simply this to Entirely sad ia all respect like me. To deviate a jot or begin To question, doubt or hesitate, 1 sin. Twer better sinners perish than refuse To be conformed to, my peculiar views. Twere better that the world atood still, than move In any way that I do not approve So there It Is; yon know the view I take- Believe as I believe, sad do this for peace sake.

I know God' truth, th whole of it for man. My doctrine saves, no other eaa! (Contributed) 1 uut suaoay the atteadaaee la Trinity Lothersa school was II per cent The das having perfect attendance were: Mlse Border' class of girls' Mica Mahan's of young men Miss Kells class of boys aad girl Mrs. Boon's class of hoys Mrs. Anksey class of boys Th absentees wer largely among th iea who were: working and th womea who must cook their dinasrs. Tomorrow fa th' Millwood school house.

Rev. W. II. Barretf will sneak SUNDAY SCHOOL NOTES Derry District we must decide ladtviduatty. Success to sot attained because of circ*mstances, bat ta spit of clrc*mstaaoea.

Shatt we aot then, take courage frees examples left as all dors through th age, sad especially by Our Lord Jees Christ sad adept tor our motto, "Master of Self." which will mult la mastery of clreumstaac- es sad Ue final attainment of true success a perfect Lit ta Christ Jesus. He that to slow to eager to better thaa th Mighty; aad he that Ruleth hie Spirit thaa he that taketk a City." Prov. 11:11. cassssBssafresBBBBBk Feefs Re reran CMr Rv W. H.

Cogley, B. tx. miaifctar. Suaday school at ItU a. at A real live Suaday school with wide-awake npervtoloa aad cempet- at Uachers.

Tralalng for Uf service aad Tarlstlaa manhood and woman hood aad a definite prefeaslea of Christ to our aim aad ffort Com, sad see for yourself. Public worship st 11 a. m. Theme: "Which Way 8nall 1 TuraT" Christian Endeavor Society at Leader, Robert Singer, Jr. Evening; worship st 7:20.

Them: Second of the series "Tsmptatioas of Jbsus." Ordlasatloa aad tastallstloa service of newly elected members to the Con sistory oa Suadsy mornlBg. May There win be a special meeting of the O. M. 0.. following the mora-tng servioe.

Important basin. Every member ia urged to present Choir rehearsal oa Wednesday at :0. Regular weekly meeting of the Boy Scouts, Troop No. 1, ta Heidelberg Hall oa Tuesday eventag st 7 o'clock. Mohthly good fellowsblp sad brotherhood meeting oa Wedneeday, April SI.

la Heidelberg Hsll at p. m. All the msa aad yoaag mea of the eoBgregatioa are 'cordially lnvitr ed to be present A permsaett orgaal-istlon will ffoted at thie-meet ing. Good eats aad a fia social hour, with plasty of stunts, is assured you. Thla church to a growing sad going concern.

You are always welcome Plraoger sr mad to feel at home. visitors' sr always gladly received to worship with us. If yoa are seek ing good fellowship aad real Christies friendliness sad brotherhood aad fraternity, try St Paufa. We will aot dlasppolat yoa. Yoa will glwsyg fisd a to be the Friendly Church with the Community Spirit! Trinity Lutheran tiwrh Rev.

W. A. ZusdL pastor. Suaday school at SO a. m.

Oldest graded school Tsschers all eatecheUcally trained, a real sehooL Established, aot to amuss the pupil. but to teach them God's Word, and the art of true aad reverent worship. No fads, ao hobbles, ao orchestral din. Chief service at 10:41. Text, Joha Lather Leegu at p.

m. Subject: "Beneath the Smoke stacks." (Missionary). Vesper with sermon st 7:30. Subject: Second la the ser ies of Old Testament characters. Dr.

Frank Crane eays: The gen eral idea which oaderlles Easter to "that we osa all rise by stepping upon ourselves to higher things If that to true, then why did Christ die aad rise from the deed? 8t Paul does aot agree with Craaa. He says: "Now it Christ be preached that he rose from the dead, how ssy some among you that ther to ao reaurreactioa of the deadt (I. e. of the literal body.) ii canst aot risen, tsea to our preaching vain and your faith to also vain. But aow to Christ risen from Ue dead." (1 Cor.

15:12 21). Dr. Frank Crane dealee (or omits to affirm. which Is a denial) Ue literal reeur-rectlop of Ue dead aad of Christ This illustrate Ue necessity of right Bible study sad a tone faith. We accept aad preach Ue Bible trata of the raalvaud literal restirreottoa of Jen Christ sad an beltoveris who die before Hi advent' Get -taualated with Ue great Lutheran church! St JoeepH' CsthetTe Church Father T.

A. Connors, pastor. Early mass at I a. m. Followed by Suadsy school.

Late mass at a. m. Drill for Ue Cadets, Suaday after noon at 3:30. BcaedlotloB oa Suaday evening at 7:30. Mass every moraiag during Ue week at ta.

Wednesday snd rrldsy evening, benediction at 7:30. Instructions for High school sta- dents, Friday afternoon at 4:00. Catechism ter Ue gad papls, Saturday motatng st o'clock. I United Brethren Churen West Derry. Rot.

Wttseft, pastor. 8aaday school st 1:30 p. m. Preaching services, at 1:30 p. a.

Christina Endeavor ea Sunday eva- lagat 7:30. Pryf meeting Thursday svcslag at 7:30 P. St. A ii rifteea thousand bakers are required supply Kit York, with Its dally bread supply. i Ths Calted State ha 41 chewing gum faeterje.

at the amies of the raisa'ay departure is at hand. I have.

Latrobe Bulletin from Latrobe, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.