Loan Nguyen Blackhead Extraction - Pop That Zit - Since 2006! (2024)

January 2, 2021

I miss Loan Nguyen’s blackhead extraction videos when we don’t see one for awhile. She always has the most beautiful patients with the most perfect skin for her procedures. I hope she is able to continue doing her work during the course of the pandemic. These videos are a great way to pass the time.

  • 5 Ways to Beat Digestion Related AcneLoan Nguyen Blackhead Extraction - Pop That Zit - Since 2006! (1)

    One of the most significant and obvious root causes of acne is digestion. A slow or bad digestion system contributes to inflammation and immune system problems which causes digestion related acne.

    You need to make sure that you are eating healthy food followed by healthy eating habits to keep your immune system working properly. If you have reason to believe that your digestive system is always upset, we have listed down some ways to improve this part of your body.

    5 Simple Ways to Beat Digestion Related Acne

    Stop Rushed and Stressed Eating

    Did you know that when you are stressed, your body automatically shifts into fight or flight mode? It is basically the body’s way to tell your brain that you are in danger.

    When you are in this mode, your body treats digestion as a secondary thing. After all, surviving comes first so it just doesn’t digest the food properly.

    Things get worse if you suffer from chronic stress. If the stress continues for many days, your body basically shuts down the digestion process and it starts to take a toll on your body.

    This is why when your digestive system isn't working, you’ll come across digestion-related acne. So try your best to reduce stress from your life. Take a walk, join a yoga class, meet friends, play some video games, do whatever that relaxes stress.

    There’s one more thing you need to keep an eye out for - eating slowly. Give your body the time to work with food, don’t stuff it with everything you find on the table, it only puts the body at stress.

    If you’re going to gobble down tons of food in a matter of minutes, whether it's healthy or junk, your body will just not digest it properly. And when digestion is not working properly, toxins tend to stay in your body causing inflammation that results in dull skin, redness, and acne breakouts.

    So relax! Eat slowly and let it heal your body.

    Increase Stomach Acid

    Stomach acid is very important if you want your digestive tract to tear down food properly. After all, it needs time and juices to break down food and absorb all the nutrients. Try to hydrate your stomach by drinking a glass of water at least half an hour before a meal.

    If that doesn’t work, you can try adding a bit of Apple cider vinegar to the mix and it’ll get the bile juices flowing.

    You could also take a mix of spices before any meal to kickstart the digestive process before the food goes in. Anything from coriander seed, cardamom, ginger, fennel seed or cumin will work. You can also find these in supplement form.

    Stop Eating When You’re 80% Full

    Loan Nguyen Blackhead Extraction - Pop That Zit - Since 2006! (2)

    Never ever overstuff yourself with food. You tend to eat more than required when you skip meals or snacks. Have a 5 meal schedule to make sure that you are getting plenty of food. This will stop overeating too.

    Some people have a natural thing for overeating. They eat fast and they keep stuffing their mouth with food until they can’t breathe. Try to get rid of this problem by eating slowly. The brain requires at least 15 minutes to register the food that is in your belly. So take plenty of time to eat and it will naturally stop you from overstuffing.

    About 90% of people who overstuff themselves with food get digestion related acne. So next time you’re eating, think about it and slow down.

    Stop Wearing Tight Pants

    Wearing tight clothing such as skin-fitted jeans and other tights is a great way to show your body’s attractiveness. But did you know that if your pants are too tight, they’re practically sucking in your stomach which reduces its ability to digest food properly?

    If you can’t give up on tight and fitted clothing, at least give your stomach some breathing air while you are eating. This will really help your body digest food quickly and easily.

    Change Your Eating Habits

    Healthy digestion is often only possible when you are eating healthy food. So start by making changes to your eating habits. Instead of going for burgers, try grilling some patties at home and eat them with vegetables.

    Drop that soda and replace it with water or other detox drinks. Make these changes gradually and your body will thank you forever. You’ll also notice a significant improvement in digestion related acne.

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Loan Nguyen Blackhead Extraction - Pop That Zit - Since 2006! (6)


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Loan Nguyen Blackhead Extraction - Pop That Zit - Since 2006! (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.